Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Official Regalia Totals!!

Dear Friends & Family of St. Richard’s School,

It is with great pleasure that we write to you today to announce the wonderful outcome of the 2009 Regalia. This premiere fundraising event of the institution has a decades-long tradition of excellence and high impact for the School and its programs. It could not have been the remarkable event that it was without the tremendous work of the Steering Committee of Bobbi Bosch, Catherine Coscia, Rachel Riegel, Mary Jo Wedding, Gretchen Witt, and Sue Wynne, and their amazing committee members. Nor could the event have been as successful without the dedicated staff and faculty of St. Richard’s School, especially Patricia Swenson, Sawsan Bannourah, Linda Chestnut, LeaAnn Koekenberg, Karen Poulsen, Tammie Read, and Abby Williams. The countless hours of hard work and planning by these individuals was evidenced by the truly magical evening at the Columbia Club on March 7th.

Thanks must also be extended to each of you, the people whose unbounding generosity before and during the event made the Regalia a success both as a fundraiser and a “friend-raiser.” It is a testament to this great community that, even in times of economic uncertainty, so many came together to ensure a stronger future for the children of St. Richard’s School. We appreciate your dedication and support of the Regalia and hold dear your commitment and benevolence.

The final outcome of the evening is truly remarkable. Today the total net income of the Regalia (inclusive of both auctions, sponsorships, and ticket sales) stands at $71,480.77. These monies help support the operating budget of St. Richard’s School, including staff salaries, need-based financial aid, and, of course, curricular programming directly impacting the students. The Fund-A-Need (Technology) net income stands at $28,896. A detailed breakdown of the income is below.

Ticket Sales: $28,580
Sponsorships/Donations/Underwriting: $15,705
Silent/Live Auction Revenue: $55,372
Total Event Expenses: $28,176.23
Total Net Revenue: $71,480.77

Lead Gifts: $3,741
Raised at Auction: $25,155
Total Net Revenue: $28,896

In addition to the monies raised both before and the night of the Regalia, there is the potential for an additional matching revenue of $8,635 for the Auction revenue, and a further $7,250 for the Fund-A-Need plan. If you are employed by a matching gift company, please do be sure to apply for the match so that St. Richard’s School continues to benefit from this event and your generosity. We appreciate our parents, friends, and the greater Indianapolis community for their continued confidence that these monies are used wisely and judiciously to better the institution for the students of today and tomorrow.

In the coming weeks, you will see evidence of your generosity as the Fund-A-Need monies are put to good use in implementing the detailed Technology Plan devised by a committee of staff, faculty, and parents. Our goal is to put into place first the technologies that will have the most impact on the children. Rest assured, as those technologies are installed, you will each (and your children!) be invited to see and experience them first-hand. Look for periodic updates regarding the implementation of the plan.

Again, our many thanks for your generosity, support, and confidence in the Regalia and the Steering Committee. The St. Richard’s Community is a better one for your kind acts.


Emily Burke Michelle Rhodes
Chair, Regalia Committee Director of Development & Alumni Relations

Friday, March 13, 2009

Event Photos (March 7, 2009)

The St. Richard's School Regalia Steering Committee would like to extend a special thanks to all parents, past parents, faculty/staff, alumni & friends who attended this year's event!
We hope you enjoyed the night!
If you weren't able to make it or want to "re-live" the night a bit check out the photos below.
We look forward to celebrating our 50th Anniversary with you next year...

Head of School Ms. Patricia Swenson and Board of Trustees President Mr. Steve Robinson


Fund-A-Need: Technology
**If you are still interesting in donating to the FAN this year please contact Michelle Rhodes!

St. Richard's School would like to extend an extra special THANK YOU to our event Major Sponsors: Plews Shadley Racher & Braun LLP and The National Bank of Indianapolis!

Event Photos (March 7, 2009)

10th Floor Excitement

Table Centerpieces (special thanks to the 5th grade ladies that assembled them)
"It's all about the kids..."

Table Setting

10th Floor

Dinner & Live Auction

Event Photos (March 7, 2009)

7th Grade Furniture

7th Grade Furniture

7th Grade Furniture/Class Projects

Class Project...and one of the hottest items of the night!

Event Photos (March 7, 2009)

Home & Culinary

Something Special

Something Special

Something Special

Home & Culinary

Event Photos (March 7, 2009)


Children's Corner

Children's Corner

Children's Corner

Something Special/Around the World

Event Photos (March 7, 2009)

Around the World

Something Special

Cheese & Crackers

Around the World

Home & Culinary

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Auction Item: Teachers, Staff & Students

Two Overnights of Babysitting by Miss Kubica!

Two overnights of babysitting at your home. Date to be determined by donor and winning bidder. (Expires 2/2010)

Category: TSS
Donated by: Marianne Kubica

Auction Item: Teachers, Staff & Students

Friday Overnight Babysitting with Ms. Ammeen

Enjoy a night on the town while Ms. Ammeen takes care of your kids!!

Category: TSS

Donated by: Sandi Ammeen

Auction Item: Teachers, Staff & Students

Movie for Two with Ms. Read

Your child and a friend will enjoy a movie (pending parent approval) with Miss Read!

Category: TSS
Donated by: Tammie Read

Auction Item: Teachers, Staff & Students

Weekend of Dog Sitting from Mrs. Rhoades

One weekend of Dog Sitting (Friday drop-off, Sunday pick-up) with Mrs. Rhoades.

Category: TSS
Donor: Jessica Rhoades

Auction Item: Teachers, Staff & Students

SRS Receptionist for the Morning and Lunch with Mrs. Savka

Your child will join Mrs. Savka for the morning at the front desk & enjoy lunch brought in from their favorite restaurant!

Category: TSS
Donor: Barb Savka

Auction Item: Teachers, Staff & Students

Lunch Outing with Mrs. Williams

Lunch outing with Mrs. Williams during school! Eat at the 56th Street Emporium, choose a book from Kids Ink & have a cupcake for dessert @ the Flying CupCake!

Category: TSS
Donor: Abby Williams

Auction Item: Teachers, Staff & Students

Babysitting by Miss Graber

Miss Graber will babysit your children for an evening! Parents, here is your chance for a night out on the town.

Category: TSS
Donated by: Stacy Graber

Auction Item: Teachers, Staff & Students

Chaplain for a Day

Your child will serve as "Chaplain for the Day" with Rev. Grace Burton Edwards by overseeing her daily duties and assisting with Chapel!

Category: TSS
Donor: Rev. Grace Burton-Edwards

Auction Item: Teachers, Staff & Students

Gym Teacher for the Day with Mr. Sherrill and Ms. Peoni

Category: TSS

Auction Item: Teachers, Staff & Students

Dinner with Mr. Smith!
Your child and four (4) friends will enjoy dinner with Mr. Smith at the venue of your choice!

Category: TSS
Donor: Mr. Smith

7th Grade Furniture

Created by: Justin Baker, Luke Boes, Isobel Bowles, Luke Brougher, Shelby Brown, Rachel Burger, Will Burton-Edwards, Nathaniel Carlsen, Cara Christensen, Preston Cislak, Oliver da Costa-Horner, Rowan Farrell, Adrian Firsich, Caroline Garau, Elizabeth Hale, Daniel Hamilton, Danielle Heflin, Maya Jenkins, Sidharth John, Jack Kaefer, Ian Kea, David Kowalik, Emily Kowalik, Alexandra Lombardo, Amy Lootens, Andrew Lupton, Joel McKinzie, Lilli Mercho, Malique Moore, Olivia Reed, Sophie Ricker, Nelson Sabharwal, Marvin Scott, Elise Shea, Amy Smikle, Asha Smith, Hannah Thomason, Michael Vieth, Caroline Washburn, Julien Webber, Rebecca Weber.

7th Grade Furniture

Created by: Justin Baker, Luke Boes, Isobel Bowles, Luke Brougher, Shelby Brown, Rachel Burger, Will Burton-Edwards, Nathaniel Carlsen, Cara Christensen, Preston Cislak, Oliver da Costa-Horner, Rowan Farrell, Adrian Firsich, Caroline Garau, Elizabeth Hale, Daniel Hamilton, Danielle Heflin, Maya Jenkins, Sidharth John, Jack Kaefer, Ian Kea, David Kowalik, Emily Kowalik, Alexandra Lombardo, Amy Lootens, Andrew Lupton, Joel McKinzie, Lilli Mercho, Malique Moore, Olivia Reed, Sophie Ricker, Nelson Sabharwal, Marvin Scott, Elise Shea, Amy Smikle, Asha Smith, Hannah Thomason, Michael Vieth, Caroline Washburn, Julien Webber, Rebecca Weber.